Contact Us

Kyburz Carlson Construction

617 Production Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401

Office Phone: 605-225-6161
Office Fax: 605-225-8708

Office hours:
8am-5pm Monday-Thursday
8am-3pm Friday

Kyburz Carlson Construction Shop

617 Production Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401

Shop Phone: 605-380-7669

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"Dave Derry and all of the employees at Kyburz-Carlson worked with our architects and promptly looked into the project to see what items could be eliminated or done in an alternative fashion in order to save taxpayer dollars. They worked diligently with their sub-contractors to make any adjustment possible so we could have EVERYTHING in our building that we NEEDED and still include many of the things that we WANTED!"
Trent R. Osborne, Superintendent/HS Principal/SPED Director Ipswich School District 22-6